A business card can be very useful and as a business owner you should always try to carry a few on you at all times as you never know when you may need one.
Business cards are perfect for handing out at networking groups, leaving with your clients or potential customers or even handing out when you do cold calling. A business card needs to be clear so that your information can be easily read but you should also try and stand out a little bit. You will need to include all of your contact details such as name, office address (if required) phone number, email as a minimum, maybe even your social media profile names etc.
When it comes to designing a business card you should try and keep in line with the rest of your print design for example, your logo and colourways should all be consistent across every platform. You may want to be a little quirky with your business cards, possibly by making them a slightly different shape or texture. Even subtle changes like this can make a big difference and if done correctly and can you noticed for the right reasons.