If you are trying to manage more than one business or even if you are self employed and employed, you may find it hard to get the balance right. It makes sense that the job that pays the most is where you should be spending most of your time, but this is not always the case.
If you have two or more of your own businesses, you may struggle to split your time fairly between them all. Often as the business grows it can get to a point where you find that you need to employ or outsource some of the work to other people to free up some of your time. It can be hard letting someone else in to help you in your business as you may worry that they will not do it like you do or if they can be trusted but this is something that often you need to overcome.
It can be useful to sometimes segregate your days so that you work full days on one business and then others on your other business. This will allow you to really get in to the task in hand rather than having to keep dipping in and out.