Most consultants will be all to willing to claim that they know best, that in comparison to their competitors, they are best situated to help you to improve your business and help it evolve to the next level. It is important that you don’t buy this immediately, but there aren’t really many ways in which you can find out immediately whether or not this is the case. The best way is to review the work that they are doing, either using another consultancy firm, or looking for free resources over the internet which are able to define the good work and the bad. With this in mind, one way of avoiding bad consultancy firms is to determine how transparent their services are: If they are very transparent, then you can more easily judge their work, which begs the question, if they aren’t transparent, what are they hiding? Transparency is one of the only ways through which you can determine, either by yourself or through other resources, whether or not the work that they are doing is suitable for your needs, and in a worse situation, whether or not they are even doing the work that you’re paying for.
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